Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Team Challenges

In Incredible Room I we have been completing team challenges.
These activities are desgined to challenge the childrens thinking, allow the children to work together to solve problems.
We have been completing some challenging, but fun tasks.

One of these challenges was the Tower Challenge.

In groups of 5 the children had to make a tower ONLY out of:

-a strip of long masking tape

They had 30 minutes to create the 1 metre tower.
It had to support a tennis ball, and stand upright.

Here are some photos of our tower challenge.


Swimming this term is focusing on the Sealord swimming to survive programme and this will take place EVERY WEEK.

Room I have swimming times:

Wednesday 10.30-11am
Friday 9-9.30am

Due to Friday being so early, please ensure children arrive at school early, about 8.30am. This will ensure the children time so they can get changed, and have gear ready to go down to the pool, as soon as the bell ,at 8.50am, rings.

Thank you :)

Miss Kyle


Camp is not far away...

We leave NEXT Wednesday the 2nd of Novemeber...

Just a reminder to parents and children to organise THIS WEEK the gear you will need to have to be ready for camp...


Welcome back to term 4 2011!

Room I is in for a busy, but fun filled term.
We have short 8 weeks, and one of these weeks is camp, how exciting.

REMEMBER to keep on the alert for notices coming home about last minute camp details or reminders.

The homework in Incredible I will be the same expectations as term 1, 2 and 3 with the children having to complete, each week:

-Task sheet
-Basic facts sheet
-Reading (4 nights a week, at least 20 minutes)

The children are in the run for a little surprise if they complete homework every week, for the entire term.

I am looking forward to having a positive term 4 with the children. I welcome any parent or child to come and see me to ask questions, find out details (and hopefully I can help you out). It is hard when the term is so busy to remember everything, so if you have an issue, or question please feel free to come on in and see me, or just call.


Miss Kyle