Wednesday, April 4, 2012


What a full on, but WONDERFUL term we have had in Incredible Room I!

I have loved getting to know all of the wonderful kids in the classroom and had some wonderful moments with them e.g. athletics day, swimming sports etc. We have accomplished so much.

I just want to wish everyone a great holiday and an eggciting easter!

This is the easter art work we created for our wall display in Incredible Room I- It looks stunning!

I will see you in two weeks...

Miss K

Monday, April 2, 2012

Meet Our New Class Pet... Hokey Pokey!

Meet our class pet Hokey Pokey.

The children and I love having Hokey Pokey as apart of Incredible I. He is getting a lot of attention from all of us (even some parents) and settling into his new environment well.

Hokey Pokey was donated to us by a lovely lady called Mary. He used to live in a large Aviary with other canaries. Hokey Pokey is molting at the moment, so his feathers are not as beautiful as usual, as he is replacing his summer feathers with winter feathers. Hokey Pokey is a male canary so he sings, females do not sing at all. We can't wait to hear his songs!
He also enjoys a bath now and then.

Hokey Pokey likes to eat:
-flowers and leaves
-corn on the cob
-grass seed tops
-and he only likes plain canary seeds.

Come on in and visit Hokey Pokey when you are next in the school or visiting Room I!