Sunday, October 20, 2013

School X Country

School X Country

On Friday, the Middle and Senior Teams headed to Victoria Park for the School X Country. It was a windy, but warm day, down at the park with nerves running high in all children (and in some parents/ teachers).
I was SO PROUD of ALL the CHILDREN in Incredible Room I who completed the course and RAN THE ENTIRE WAY (which was every child)!
It made me smile from ear to ear to see children finishing and being proud of their race!

Miss K

Here are some photos…

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Another Team Challenge!

Another Team Challenge…

The children were put into two groups.
Using a long piece of string, each group had to thread it through each member’s clothes. They had to problem solve together to find out where would be the best place to thread the string through. They came up with some creative ideas (as you can see in the pictures below).

After they successfully threaded the string through, the groups then had their piece of string cut in half. They repeated the process again. One group managed to complete it with a whole string, while the other one team’s string broke. Finally we cut the piece of string in half again and repeated the challenge again. Both teams did well to get it through most of the children, but in the end both teams didn’t manage to complete the challenge.

 The children got up very close and personal and had a lot of fun in the process!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Team Challenges

In Incredible Room I we have been completing team challenges. These activities are designed to challenge the children’s thinking, allow the children to work together to solve problems. We have been completing some challenging, but fun tasks. One of these challenges was the *Tower Challenge*.In groups of 4 the children had to make a tower ONLY out of:-Newspaper-a strip of long masking tape They had 30 minutes to create the 1 metre tower. It had to support a tennis ball, and stand upright. Here are some photos of our tower challenge. The winning team was Patrick, James H, Lucas and Gurleen. Congratulations guys! Miss K