Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Swimming Sports!

Incredible I had a wonderful day on Tuesday at the Makino Pools!
We swam our hardest and had alot of fun, which is the most important thing to do.
Incredible I would just like to say a big thank you to all of those parents who came along to support their children, it was much appreciated.

Incredible I will comment about their feelings towards the swimming sports on Tuesday...


  1. I really enjoyed swimming sports and it felt delightful to be in the aqua blue water.
    I cant wait until next years swim sports.


  2. doing the swimming sports was great fun.i came 4th in freestyle and backstroke.i lernt alot for swimming/paige

  3. swimming sports was great but i think i can do better with my freestyle next time. Cooper.

  4. I really enjoyed swimming sports. My family and I were really proud because I came first in freestyle, second in backstroke, and fourth in under water

  5. i loved the swimming sports.it was good fun.i lernt lots and i had my gramda and grandad watch me.i can not wait tell next years swimnming sports /paige
