Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Incredible Room I has been up to...

The end of week two has just occured and we have completed so much work in such a small amount of time.

 I am so proud of the children in the class who have been working to such a HIGH standard with not only their content, but also on the presentation!

Here is some of the AMAZING work Incredible Room I has been working on:

Our inital artwork! We learnt how important it is to be unique and what problems occur in the classroom because we are all different. We had some great discussions which linked well into our inital letter artworks. These are all individual and represent all the children in Incredible Room I!

The class Treaty! This was a fun, but serious task. The children created guidelines for the behaviour expected in the classroom at all times. They decided on the critera for this and have shown their agreement to this by marking their handprint and signing their name.

Our birthday balloons. These ballons show all of Incredible Room I's birthdays over 2012, so we can celebrate the special day for all children.

I have had a great week with the children and I am getting to know them so much better :).

You are all AMAZING learners and just neat kids Room I! I am a lucky teacher...

Miss K


  1. Yay I'm glad I'm in incredible I

  2. I loved that artwork that we did. It was awesome!!!
