Thursday, April 14, 2011

Easter Fun with Incredible I!

Wow! Its already the end of term one and Incredible I were lucky enough to have Easter Fun Friday for their final day at school for term one 2011. It was a fun day with the children completeing Easter activities and enjoying spending some fun time together.
I know that everyone has had such a busy, but amazing term of learning, I felt that all the children deserved a little something special for Easter. So I created an Easter Bunny Cake for them to share :). (The children loved it)...

I just want to say to Indredible I: "Thanks for a great term! You have worked hard and are a great class to teach!" Have a great Hoilday and enjoy the break...I know I will.

Miss K :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Character Descriptions...

Over the week Room I created some wonderful character descriptions about Mrs. Monteith, our wonderful office manager. Mrs. Monteith has worked at M.S.S for 30 years! Wow, what a long time, but sadly she is now retiring. What will we do without her? All of the children wanted to share their feelings and desciptions about Mrs. Monteith, as they are really special and tell us alot about her.

I have got the children to publish their stories and posted them as a comment under this post.
Have a read- they are wonderful!