Thursday, April 14, 2011

Easter Fun with Incredible I!

Wow! Its already the end of term one and Incredible I were lucky enough to have Easter Fun Friday for their final day at school for term one 2011. It was a fun day with the children completeing Easter activities and enjoying spending some fun time together.
I know that everyone has had such a busy, but amazing term of learning, I felt that all the children deserved a little something special for Easter. So I created an Easter Bunny Cake for them to share :). (The children loved it)...

I just want to say to Indredible I: "Thanks for a great term! You have worked hard and are a great class to teach!" Have a great Hoilday and enjoy the break...I know I will.

Miss K :)


  1. It was so yummy and I got both the teeth and sam got the marsh mellow nose !

  2. The cake was yum! I got some of the ear.Cooper

  3. thanks for the suprprise miss k the cake was nice. the best part was sam doing the marshmello dance and got the one marshmello
